Our journey to meet our daughter in China

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Office Surprises!

I came in Friday morning still beaming from our referral call and found a sea of pink in my office! The "Aunties" are almost as excited as I am. I just love working with these women and believe me Alyssa will call them of them her aunts. I have the best co-workers in the world! Thanks guys!
This is from my sister. She came to the office and surprised me with this cute bear, balloons and a bracelet. My family has been so excited an supportive. I have read of other people getting grief from family or friends when they mention adoption especially IA but so far I have not experienced that from anyone I am close to. I am not sure how I would handle it, the stress from the adoption is enough that to add in people I love questioning our decision would drive me crazy.

Another Photo!

I thought I should post at least one other picture of Alyssa. We have signed and returned our acceptance letter to the agency. They gave two deadlines to return them, one was for today and one was next Monday. They think we will have a better chance to travel in September if they send the acceptances back today. Those that wait may have to wait until the end of October to travel. Of course this is just a guess and we may have to wait anyone. Please say a prayer that we get our TA pretty quick and our CA is before Sept 28th so we can get our baby and bring her home!

I have been asked by several to place this back on here. All I know about her is she is CUTE!!!! I do not assume anything. She just makes me smile and how could anyone stay in a bad mood watching this?

Friday, August 03, 2007

I have changed the setting to make you login to leave a post due what I feel was a rude comment. Sorry about this but if someone wants to be rude they need to at least leave their name so I can call them on it. Some people can be real jerks!


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Introducing our Beautiful Daughter Alyssa Brooke!

I lived for referral day during the wait so I need to add mine to the list that is out there.

Yang Su Lan

November 23, 2006
