Our journey to meet our daughter in China

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pictures of Alyssa's room

I don't have a picture of before we started, just think clean sweep before! This is the room with a fresh coat of paint, new baseboards and freshly cleaned carpet. It is ready to load in.

These are the outlet covers I hand painted. Not too bad for someone that can't draw a straight line. LOL

The crib ready to go!

Now all we need is a mattress and of course the baby!
We are still working on it but this was a good start. We have a new ceiling fan and are painting murals on the walls. She also has a dresser and hutch in the garage to put in here. I will post more pictures are we go.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Room is Painted!

We finally got the room cleared out and painted for the baby. I had not been in a hurry to do the nursery since the wait had increased. I just don't think I could handle seeing an empty nursery for over a year.

The walls are a nice shade of green, almost the color of sherbet. I wanted decorative outlet and switch plates but could not find any I liked for the price I wanted to pay. I bought a switch plate over a year ago that was really cute at Wal-Mart but I only bought one and needed two. I also didn't see any outlet plates. I think the one I bought was over $5 which is a little high when we needed 4 outlet plate and one more for the light switch. Also, we needed one for the phone jack and cable outlet and I have not ever seen one of those done cute, so I painted my own. It saved me some money and they turned out pretty cute. I am not a painter so they are not professional but for homemade they are pretty good. I did all the plates including the phone and cable. I will have to post pictures pretty soon.

I cleaned the carpet last night so we are moving furniture in tonight. It has been in the garage for over a year now and we need the space for our old washer and dryer since we bought a new set. We got the red LG front loader and we are going to stack them so I now have room for a freezer which we have coming with the laundry set. It should be delivered tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

When we started this process over 2 years ago I thought we would be home within a year and I would be busy trying to talk hubby into another baby by now. I guess the CCAA had other plans.

We sent our dossier to GWCA on 10/24/05 and I didn't send it overnight since the cost was about $20 more. I didn't think it would make much difference since we were going to be in the November group anyway. We got lucky and GW called to let me know they got the package in time to send if off on 10/28/05. Our LID is 11/17/05 the next LID for GW is 11/21/05. Four days doesn't seem like much and in November 2005 it was not a big deal. The CCAA would send referrals for an entire month at a time. But as soon as we got our paperwork sent in the wait started to increase and the CCAA said it was due to a decrease in abandonment of babies and an increase in domestic adoption. I am fine with this reason, I will wait years if needed. One of the reasons we went with IA was due to the uncertainity of the wait with domestic adoption.